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Catholic World Art
Artist, Irene Thomas
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Let the Children Come to Me
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Children welcome Jesus and Jesus invites them to come to Him. They flock around Him showing their love with no inhibitions; children are humble that way, being true to their natures, whether they want to be the next one to ride on Jesus’ shoulders or whether they stare at Him in enchantment. They are not proud and will not mask their feelings.
Children are also absorbent and pliable which is why Jesus condemns those who teach them to sin. We are to love and nurture them while they in turn teach us.
Jesus places the child before us, His disciples, as our role-model. We are to imitate the child, change and become like little children in spirit.
The Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who become like them. We do so by repenting and humbly unmasking who we truly are before our heavenly Father and by becoming pliable in our formation to His holy will.
Audio Production & Music by Bettina Muchmore

Copyright 2002-2025 - Irene Thomas