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Catholic World Art
Artist, Irene Thomas
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The Light of the World 
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In a world that is blind and steeped in spiritual darkness, a light is shed. When a follower of Christ lives out his belief, often at some personal sacrifice, a light stands out amid the darkness. It is not only the contrast between his actions and the mainstream that makes it conspicuous but something more; it is the light of Christ within his soul that shines through. And since we have been made in God’s image and likeness, we should all be able to recognize this light.
The Bible teaches us that Jesus is the light of the world (Jn 8:12) and also, that we are the light of the world (Mt 5:16) The Church is Christ, and with the light of Christ within us, as with any light, we cast a shadow. The painting shows this shadow as a cross. Those who prefer the darkness will see nothing in the believer but the cross: misery and a foolish sacrifice. But for the ‘children of light’, the Risen Christ appears through the essential cross.
“Deep calls to deep.” (Ps 42:7) Seeing light shine through a fellow Christian encourages us, and makes us yearn for the Light that is Christ.
Audio Production & Music by Bettina Muchmore

Copyright 2002-2024 - Irene Thomas