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Catholic World Art
Artist, Irene Thomas
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Mary Magdalene is lost in grief. She is troubled and suffers as so many do whose world is crashing in on them today, feeling no justice in their sorrow. Her bitter grief is about to turn into exhilarating joy and is but an instant away.
In fact, the name “Mary” has just left Jesus’ lips. Here, hanging in the air between them, is that pivotal moment that will change her emotions. Mary is the name that she recognizes as her own and in that name, her identity, her purpose for this suffering is at last recognized too. It is now not only her personal name but also the name of her entire self, of what and why she suffers.
In our own sufferings today, we, like Mary in this picture, are not yet aware that our name and the name of our experiences, has already left the mouth of God. What peace and joy when at last we hear it clearly spoken on our day and can finally identify the justice and mercy of it!
Audio Production & Music by Bettina Muchmore

Copyright 2002-2024 - Irene Thomas