At the end of time, the trumpet will sound and in an instant we will resurrect. Every human that ever lived will be re-created from his ashes, while those people who still inhabit the earth will likewise be changed. The resurrection does not refer to the fact that the soul lives on after death. That simply means the soul is immortal. It is the mortal body which dies when the soul is separated from it. Resurrection means it is formed back. At the sound of the last trumpet, the soul and body are rejoined and each of us in our personal bodies will resurrect; some to life while others to judgment. This is the resurrection to life; that what was once fallen nature is renewed and transformed and our damaged, corporeal bodies become glorified, spiritual bodies changed in their nature and given new supernatural powers. In saving fallen man, Jesus was the first to rise from the death of His body, promising eternal life to those in whom He is found dwelling, at the moment of their death. This is the very core of our belief. It is by virtue of Jesus’ life in our soul and body that we will resurrect to life. Audio Production & Music by Bettina Muchmore Contact Me Copyright 2002-2025 - Irene Thomas Catholic Links & Resources